Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Seeking God Together


By: Ev. Beni S. Regoh

Brother, man has an instinct to look for something ... this is apparent from how humans had attempted in his life. Humans are always looking for something that is not in himself, man is always looking for something less than himself. For example, looking for money .. the more money the more he can not completely satisfied with the money ... seeking knowledge, the more he gets more knowledge and ingenuity he kept searching.

Can be said that in terms of physical, human beings are never satisfied to find and keep looking. But what about the things that are spiritual. Are there people who have desire to seek God. In all conditions and circumstances. Paul in Romans 3:10-12 that humans tend to deviate from God no one seeks God.
Brother in this post modern era, according to some research that people become less interested in spiritual things. Humans are more attracted to things outward from the spiritual things to spiritual things So do not be a priority and human longing.

Karl Marx was a communist and atheist famous saying that God is the result of human thought. God is just an engineering mind about the ideals becomes how should a man, who could not be achieved in reality. God is the manifestation of human existence in a delusion.
It makes a religion that worships God just as a forum for human escape from the problems faced. As an escape, then religion is similar to opium, which are often used by people to escape from problems. Then came word that is very popular among the Marxist religion is the opiate of the people. This conclusion was derived after Karl Marx to see how the behavior of European societies towards religion. A memorandum of benenya are Christian.
Where he saw a phenomenon of people just saying believe in God, but in their lives do not demonstrate that they are godless people. Where there are many people who claimed that he believed in God but have no desire to seek God.

And even worse she saw one more phenomenon that many people seek God only if he has a problem, struggles in his life. But when their lives safe they forget God, do not seek God. There are many people searching for God just to satisfy himself.
So that Karl Marx concluded as such.
Brother if anything presented by Karl Marx was right ... One side if we see a phenomenon that occurred in the history of Christianity, there is truth. Since the days of the Lord Jesus until today there are many people who are looking for Jesus not to worship Jesus, but so that he gets something from the jesus, whether healing. Inner peace etc..
On one side of one's brother delivered by Karl Marx was a wrong ... because for a true Christian seeks God is something necessary and what needs .... As expressed by the psalmist in our earlier readings.

In psalm 42 where the psalmist describe this .. he always has the yearning to meet God. Talking to God. But he did not get a chance to meet with God.
We saw a little brother backgrounds writer of this Psalm, the writer of this Psalm when he wrote the psalm, he was far from Jerusalem, according to some interpretations he was living abroad in areas of Lebanon, so he was not able to worship to the temple in Jerusalem. Due to the nation of Israel God's temple is the symbol of God's presence. When they're not into the temple in Jerusalem, that means they do not meet with God.
He describes himself as the Deer are always hungry and always looking for the river to drink. He can not survive without God. She described herself as deer are always in need of water, without water will die Deer, deer can not live without water.

Why we should seek God:

I. Human being without God and he will die spiritually (3)
Civil servants of God ever say that God is looking for something basic human needs. Because obviously in the FT that when someone does not have God in her life so she will die spiritually.
Since Adam and Eve's fall in sin, so from then on humans have lost something precious which is the source of human life, which she lost a relationship with God.

When people lose the true God then automatically people will die spiritually. Therefore, when Adam and Eve garden of Eden, God said if they violate the commands of God that is prohibited to eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil they will die.

The impact of a spiritual death is very harmful to humans, when humans die spiritually, it will impact on the relationship between man and God even the relationship between human beings with one another.
This we can see in the book happened when Adam and Eve fell into sin, then from then on sin came to power over life of Adam and his family, Cain killing Abel and beyond the Bible notes that humans are increasingly uncontrollable evil even more crimes.
Even in Genesis. 6:7, God said I regretted making man, and ultimately destroy God's people with a flood.
Keterhilangan relationship between man and God is a tragic ... where God can not relate directly to human.

Hence we see in the third paragraph in the reading we had, the psalmist describes how humans have lost touch with God, humans who do not have God in his life then he will have a thirst to see God, and when he did not meet with God he will die spiritually.

Humans without God she will die spiritually; the only way humans can re-live is through Jesus Christ. Man must find God in his life.
God with an everlasting love he knew that man without God, the man would die, so God sent His son Jesus Christ to come into the world to restore the relationship between God and man.
The brothers only to restore the original position of humans as humans must have a life then there is no other way then the man must find God again and find that they will live! 1 John 5:12 says: "Whoever has the Son has life; who does not have the Son of God does not have hidup.Semuanya I write unto you, that ye who believe in the name of the Son of God, know that ye have eternal life.
Lord jesus said I am the way truth and life, truth and life does not exist outside of Christ. Jesus also said I am the water of life. Humans have died spiritually she could only live if there is Christ in his heart.
The Lord Jesus said: Seek and you find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Look for Christ and you will live
Brother let us seek God, so we have eternal life. And eternal life that we discover only through Jesus Christ.
II. Human life without God will not prosper v. 4-5

Fourth paragraph to say "My tears into my food day and night, because all day people said to me: where your God.
Civil something really awful if man abandoned by God. This is illustrated by the psalmist.
The psalmist feels that without a God nearby, he does not find rest, without a God nearby he can not live their lives in peace. The psalmist reveals how she suffered for not closer to God. Especially people around him are always asking where his God. When he had struggles in his life as if God did not help himself. He felt that he was struggling himself.

The importance we seek God to find rest and peace proclaimed by David at the end of his life, he commanded earnestly to Solomon in 1 Chron. 28:9 "thou my son Solomon and his God know my father and beribadahlah Him sincerely and with relah hearts, because God searches all hearts and understands all the intentions and ideals. If you are looking for him then he found acceptable by you, but if you leave him then he will cast thee for ever.

David was so obvious about a secret life revealed to Solomon, of David know clearly who God that he worshiped, David know clearly about the real secret of life.
David knew very clearly that when human beings are far from God, when humans are not looking for God, then life will not prosper. That he so clearly told Solomon that thou shalt seek the Lord and he will be found acceptable.

Brother of the background of the psalm 42 this is the outpouring of a person believed in God who lives in the middle of infidels or unbelievers. He lives far away from communion with God and Christian friends.

When he faces a struggle, he felt as if God does not stay close to him. So throughout her life she felt no comfort there is no peace. Especially when facing a tough struggle of people around about always says your God ... Can your God which could help you.
Brother when someone far communion with God and fellow believers, then he will lose the peace.
Brother of God's presence will be evident when in life we have fellowship with one another, as brethren. The presence of God will manifest in our lives if we are always close to God. Through always worship God, build a personal relationship with God.

III. In order for us to have a hope (ayt. 6)
"Why are you depressed, O my soul, and anxious within me? Hope in God! Because I would be grateful to Him again helper and my God "

Why should we seek God? Brother humans who have no God, then automatically he did not have expectations because it is God the only hope for mankind. During the middle of a sinful world, amid the people who do not yet know God. We live amid the world of this evil. We need one thing that holds up as we who were the expectations, and we backrest that is God himself.

Brother God is the only source of our hope, we do not expect to humans. Humans may be able to help us but rose has its limits, we expect to our wealth, because wealth is temporary, we can not hope to the ability of us, because there are limits to our ability we can only hope to God.

Seek God for the Bible says he is pleased met ... And God wants us to seek Him. Why would God require that we look for people because it will be like what he was looking for! If men are only looking for money then he will become matre, a young woman who only thought he would find himself a play boy and vice versa. When people seek God and he will be like God in character, speech and power in this life!

How can we meet with God:
The Psalmist says God placed Kudusnya look, which meant the psalmist is seek God in the Temple. Brother concept of the old covenant that God can only be found in the temple of God, but God can be found in the New Testament where we are.

Illustration: There was a young man asked, whether God can only be found in the church? I say no .. if so should we still go to church ... are not we can worship anywhere, because God is not restricted only in church? For example we just pray to sing at home, turn the TV who broadcast sermons preaching or VCD?

Brother we can worship God, we can meet with God wherever we are but that does not mean not important for us to worship in church. Because communion with brethren, it is very important. The church is a symbol of God's presence, the church is the house of God and therefore we must be faithful to worship the Lord, we worship with us then and there he met with God.

How to meet the Lord:
We can meet with God through our personal prayer to God, as busy-busy we are, still we use our time to talk with God. Lord Jesus in the busy life in the ministry, he still gives time for personal prayer. Even more he is busy, the more he was tired of getting him closer to God.
God wants us as children of God, for always talking to him. God wants us to speak with him not only when we experience the struggle, not only when there is something we want from God, but in good condition or not good.

Brother imagine if our children will only speak to us if he wants something from us, or when he called for help from us, but at the good life she never wanted to talk to us ... If our children as so of course we will sad.
Therefore let us continue to build communication with God through continue to pray privately to God.

How can we meet the Lord; third way is with us often to read and ponder God's Word, the more we read the Word of God reflect the more we know the contents of the heart of God, the more we know God's will.

The last thing how can we meet the Lord, by constructing the family altar; is something very important in the family. By building the family altar that means we would like to bring our families to continue to seek God. Brother as the family of Joshua, Joshua was not only an extraordinary leader of Israel but he became a successful head of the family. He successfully took his family to keep praying to God. He said one word which is very important "but me and the whole family will keep praying to God."

Brother of the family altar is one effective way to build family spiritual life. We can not expect that the spirituality of our families can be built only with the church once a week, we can not build our relationship with God to worship God only once a week. We can not know God only by hearing a sermon once a week.

Relatives as parents we are given a great responsibility by God, which brought the rest of us to seek God's family. God wants every parent to the priesthood in his family. To teach children the fear of God and live according to God's way.

Brethren in the Old Testament every father should be a priest in the family? Have we run this function ... Have faith in the family is brother to brother ...
If not let's start a family altar in our homes each; Take time together as a family to always pray together, read the Word of God together.

Let us invite all our families to get together to seek God, the FT says in Isaiah 55:6 "Seek the Lord for He is pleased to be found, call Him for He is near"
Let us make our families, families who are always longing to find God, through our faithful worship of God, pray privately and build a family altar in our family. Amen

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